Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thanks for nuthin, Gustav!

For a whole week, the local weatherman said Hurricane Gustav was going to spend it’s dying days over north Texas, giving us some much needed rain. But instead of continuing due west, Gustav took a turn north and soaked Arkansas. On Thursday, one of the outermost bands gave us a glancing blow with just enough misting rain to make the morning commute a total nightmare. By the afternoon, the clouds had burned off and the resulting humidity was like a gym’s locker room.

Now we’re back to every day, Hot and Sunny. At least the days of 100 degrees + are over! I’m tired of worrying about our AC unit. There were probably 5 days in a row that the poor thing never shut off.

It looks like we might have a chance with Ike, but that’s still a week or so before we have a hint of where it’s going. I spent the entire Labor Day weekend glued to the tv, watching the weather channel. I must have seen the same footage of 2 dudes putting plywood over windows a hundred times! No matter how many times I see somebody getting their umbrella turned inside out, it still makes me giggle.


sena_k said...

I haven't been watching the news, but I keep hearing about Ike, Texas, and evacuations. What's going on down your way?

PinkyD said...

Ike was a bitch to the coast! We thought we would get some rain and wind, but it got pushed further east, so all we got were clouds and a light sprinkle. Feh!