Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin v. Biden

I just finished watching the VP debate, and have concluded that Sarah Palin is a very charismatic moron. I can't take anyone seriously when they mispronounce the word "nuclear". Just like Bush, she thinks there's an extra U: nuke-you-ler. AAARRRGGHH! I know it's a very small point to some, but it's like the Grand Canyon to me- a giant gaping chasm of ignorance. To think she could be "one heartbeat away" from the oval office absolutely terrifies me...

Many years ago, I told myself that if a Democratic female candidate presented herself, I would vote for her- heck, I voted Mondale/Ferraro! Even when Hillary started making noise about running, I really wanted to like her. But then she started playing the "insider" card, saying she could make changes because she knew how Washington worked, she knew how the games were played, she knew how to make deals. That's just what I was tired of: backroom deals and power plays, no matter how well-intentioned, stink! She was like Boromir from Lord of the Rings- wanting the Ring of Power to defeat the enemy regardless of the fact that using it would mean ruin for all.

Of all the running mates McCain could have chosen, Palin was a transparent ploy to get miffed Hillary supporters on board. From what I have observed so far, that desperate tactic(or is that a strategy?) has failed utterly. Having observed Clinton supporters up close at both precinct and county caucuses, it's safe to say many of them viewed her with the reverence and awe associated with British Royalty. I am happy to report that the Hillarians I have met recently are backing Obama 100%.

1 comment:

sena_k said...

I commented to someone that Palin might be a great neighbor, but no way do I want her anywhere near DC.

People who can't pronounce nuclear correctly should be sent to re-education camps. Same with Oaklea.